fredag 7. februar 2014

She's So Cute Februar

Vi er veldig stolte av å kunne presentere dere for denne fantastiske dama fra Sverige nå i februar:


Milo har laget et flott mini kurs/steg for steg forklaring for oss, så følge med senere i blogposten!
 Først ut er noen spørsmål...

1) Når startet du med scrappingen? 
At 1995 I´ve start to buy my first stamps. Then I made papers with them for some years, and then it took some more years before I totally stucked into scrapbooking, at 2006. 

2) Hva inspirerer deg? 
Everything! I love to see others creations, and I can see something laying on the street that give me ideas. I have lots of ideas!

 3) Er det noe du ikke kan klare deg uten av utstyr/stæsj/etc? 
I can´t live without my cutting machine, my edge scraper, pincett, crackle paint, lace and roses! 

4) Hvilke scrappere inspirerer deg for tiden og hvorfor?
 Lots of people inspire me! I love to look at pages like Pinterest at others art. I love to look at creations in my style, shabby chic and vintage. Some of my favorites are Minna OlenMonique LokhorstIngrid GooyerDebbie Dolphin & Heidi Filharmonica

5) Har du en spesiell teknikk eller framgangsmåte du liker mer enn andre når du scrapper? 
I love to distress edges, sew my edges and use lots of different shapes on my card.

This is how I create.
First I choose things I want on my card. Here is both decorations, motives and papers. I NEVER glue anything before I´ve put it together at the card, and I´m satisfied with the places for everything. I can sit for an hour and move around things before I´m totally satisfied.

This is my favorite tools.

This is my favorite medium; gesso, white crackle paint, fran-tage embossing, glossy accent, stickles Star Dust, chalk, sparklers (like stickles but thinner - you have to use a brush) and distress paint. I´m not use everything on every creation, but almost.

  First I roll around every paper like this. Or use a sewing machine.

Then I put on some chalk... 

..or distress paint... or gesso... it´s different from time to time.

And then I distresss the edges with an edge scraper. It´s easier to do that AFTER chalk, because the chalk make the paper a little bit wet, and I prefer that. AND the chalk will be alive a little bit longer.

When I´m totally satisfied with how I want everything to be on my creation, I glue it.

Then I use a brush and paint white gesso at flowers, papers, corners, charms and other things. Just to make it shabby. I prefer it that way. It looks a little bit more alive then. After gesso I use crackle paint here and there so it got crackled and looks old.

 I use stickles, star dust is my favorite, at flowers and some details.

I love to use glossy accent on details. If it´s a colored motive I use it on shoes, eyes, lips somtimes, buttons and other small details. I love the effect it will make to the whole creation. Here I have used it at the text. It´s stickers and i like it to be a little bit glossy to pop.

When the creation has dried it looks like this!

 The hot air ballons is chipboard, and they comes from Scrapiniec.

Vi i DT har også blitt utfordret, og her har du resultatet:






En heldig vinner stikker av med denne flotte RAKen sponset av Milo :)


Reglene våre finner du her!

Takk for ditt bidrag :)

1. Lisbet  3. Karin  5. Sanne  
2. Toini  4. birgitte  6. screppa  

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4 kommentarer:

Milo Lilja sa...

Vilka fina alster ni gjort med min skiss!!! Jätteroligt att titta på! Kram Milo

Toi9 sa...

Kjempefine bidrag fra DT!
Hvor skal man legge inn bidragene?

Lisbet sa...

Utrolig nydelig skisse. Da har jeg prøvd meg og her er mitt bidrag:
Legger det inn her ettersom det ikke var noe annet sted å legge det inn:-)

Maya sa...

Beklager at InLinkz ikke har fungert. Nå er den på plass så bidragene kan legges til her!